[October, 2021] D.DAY X ESG Global League
- 모집 기간
2021-08-20 00:00 ~ 2021-10-18 18:00
- 행사 일시
- 2021-11-13 18:00-20:00
- 행사 장소
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ENG ver.
(※ 한국어 설명이 아래 제공됩니다 (KOREAN version provided below))
? We are looking for global startups in the ESG field? to participate in D.DAY, the very best Demo Day in South Korea!
? What is D.DAY? ?link
?To replay D.DAY!?VIDEO1 , VIDEO2
? What is D.DAY? ?link
?To replay D.DAY!?VIDEO1 , VIDEO2
Reasons for attending D.DAY in October?!?
The opportunity
#1. ?To get reviewed for occupancy and investment from D.CAMP
✔️ Benefits of using D.CAMP, FRONT1 Lounge (coworking space, meeting rooms)
✔️ All-access pass to WEWORK
✔️ Opportunity for investment (up to $265K)
#2. ✌️To collaborate with SK ecoplant, a leading ESG company representing Korea
✔️ Opportunity to get reviewed by *SKIL & VC partners in environmental/ESG field
- *SKIL : SK Innovation Lab (CVC of SK ecoplant
- Provides customized ESG investment according to the various growth stages of each startup
- operating an ESG fund worth $26M as well as reviewing investment for similar startups both domestic and international.
✔️ Collaboration with SK ecoplant (Deal sourcing) > IR Collection
- South Korea’s No.1 EMC acquisition in 2020, No.1 M/S in the field of environmental infrastructure O&M
(around 1,100 operating facilities)
- South Korea’s leading environmental company with a joint venture with Bloomenergy in the U.S.
- winning the world’s first heat supply fuel cell (SOFC) power generation project
- Owns a global network in around 26 countries (based on branches and subsidiaries)
- winning the world’s first heat supply fuel cell (SOFC) power generation project
- Owns a global network in around 26 countries (based on branches and subsidiaries)
✔️ SK Eco Innovators (*SKEI) review and selection process
- *SKEI : portfolio startups of SK Innovation Lab(SKIL)
- SKIL accelerates SKEI by investing and connecting with business groups of SK ecoplant, providing test-bed, working space,
on-demand monitoring, etc.
(Priority review in the environment field)
#3.? To network with relevant global players such as global VCs, investment agencies, and so much more!
[Terms and Conditions]
✔️ No restrictions on age, industry, legal entity, nationality, etc. ?
✔️ *Startups in the ESG field (in the global market)
✔️ A team capable of specific cooperation (suggestion) for co-organizers ?
✔️ (Requirement) : English Pitching ⭕️
*Keywords (For example)
#ESG, #Environment, #Social #Governance, #Circular Economy #WastetoENERGY, #Carbon Reduction #CCUS,
#3R(recycling/reuse/reduce) #water management, #RE100, #AI #IoT #DT #Renewable Energy, #Hydrogen Fuel Cell,
#OffsohreWindPower, #SolarEnergy #Ecoenergy, #Ecobusiness, #AI # IoT #DX(Digital transformation) #Smartfarm
#Green Architecture #Sustainability #diversity #human rights #consumer protection #animal welfare #local communities,
#management structure #employee relations #executive compensation #employee compensation etc.
Any Ideas/services from all fields to #Make a better world
[Recruitment Process]
✔️ Startup Recruitment : 8.27 (Fri.)~ 10.4 (Mon.)
✔️ To apply : link (click)
✔️ Interview : End of September~ mid October (*to be notified individually)
✔️ D.DAY : 11.13(Sat.) 18:00-20:00 KST
- Presentations according to major themes
- Networking between players in relevant markets and industries
Various global D.DAYs that can only be found this October!
Don’t miss the opportunity to verify your business, as well as to expand your network and business with diverse ESG-related players!
? Inquiries : dcampglobal@dcamp.kr
? 대한민국 최고의 데모데이, 디데이에 오를 ESG분야 글로벌 스타트업?을 찾습니다.
? D.CAMP? D.DAY 그게 뭔가요? ? 클릭!
10월 D.DAY에 꼭 나가야하는 이유?!?
#1.? 한국 비즈니스 확장시 디캠프 투자 및 입주 검토 기회
✔️ 디캠프, 프론트원 라운지 (코워킹스페이스, 회의실) 이용
✔️ 위워크 올억세스 사용권
✔️ 투자 검토의 기회 (최대 3억)
#2. ✌️ 국내를 대표하는 ESG 선도기업 SK에코플랜트와의 협업 기회
✔️ SK Innovation Lab(*SKIL) 및 환경/ESG 영역 VC파트너의 투자 검토 기회
- *SKIL : CVC of SK ecoplant
- 스타트업 성장 단계에 따른 맞춤형 ESG 투자 제공 (300억 규모 ESG 펀드 운영 및 국내외 유관 스타트업 투자 검토)
✔️ SK에코플랜트와의 협업 (Deal sourcing) ? IR자료
- 2020년 국내 업계 1위 EMC 인수 & 환경기초시설 O&M분야 M/S 국내 1위 (운영시설 약 1,100개소)
- 미국 블룸에너지와 합작법인 설립 및 세계 최초 열공급형 연료전지 (SOFC) 발전사업 수주 등 국내 대표 환경기업
- 글로벌 약 26여개국 네트워크 보유 (지사 및 자회사 기준)
✔️ SK Eco Innovators (*SKEI) 선발 검토
- *SKEI : Portfolio Startups of SK Innovation Lab (SKIL)
- SKIL accelerates SKEI by investion and connecting with business groups of SK ecoplant,
- providing test-bed, working space, on-demand monitoring, etc.
(Environment 분야에 한해 협업/투자 우선 검토)
#3. ?글로벌 VC, 투자청 등 유관 글로벌 플레이어들과 네트워킹의 기회!
[지원 자격]
✔️ 나이 무관? 법인 유무 무관? 국적 무관? 제약 NO‼️?
✔️ *ESG 유관 글로벌 시장에서 사업을 운영중 (또는 준비중)인 팀
✔️ 공동주관사에 대한 구체적인 협력(제안)이 가능한 팀
✔️ 영문 피칭은 필수⭕️
#ESG, #Environment, #Social #Governance, #Circular Economy #WastetoENERGY, #Carbon Reduction #CCUS,
#3R(recycling/reuse/reduce) #water management, #RE100, #AI #IoT #DT #Renewable Energy, #Hydrogen Fuel Cell,
#OffsohreWindPower, #SolarEnergy #Ecoenergy, #Ecobusiness, #AI # IoT #DX(Digital transformation) #Smartfarm
#Green Architecture #Sustainability #diversity #human rights #consumer protection #animal welfare #local communities,
#management structure #employee relations #executive compensation #employee compensation etc.
Any Ideas/services from all fields to #Make a better world
[모집 전형]
✔️ 스타트업 모집 : 8.27(금)~10.4(월)
✔️ 지원하기 : 우측 상단 '참가 신청' 클릭!
✔️ 인터뷰 : 9월 말~10월 중순 (*대상자 별도 안내 예정)
✔️ 디데이 : 11.13(토) 18:00-20:00 KST
- 주요 테마별 스타트업 발표
- 유사 시장, 산업군 플레이어 간 토크 및 네트워킹
오직 10월 디데이에서만 만나 볼 수 있는 다양한 글로벌 스타트업!?
사업검증의 기회는 물론, 다양한 ESG 유관 플레이어들과의 네트워크 및 사업확장의 기회를 놓치지 마세요!?
? 문의 : dcampglobal@dcamp.kr
유사한 이벤트
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